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Sunday Night !
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Halo my Bloggy ~
Ok ! Two days straight , i breakfast @ granny house! I LOVE HER AS MUCH AS I LOVE MY MUM! I feel like sleeping @ her house forever ! I dont feel like going home everytime i come her house ! Well today feast was DELICIOUS ! Ayam merah ~ wHOOOO .... VERY Yummmmm ~

Up to here oni lah ... Wat to do , need to go home Soon ~ Tmr Skol babe ! Ouh ya ! Tmr going Olympic Village ! Performing three days straight !!! Whooooooooohoooooo ~ SOoo Looking forward to seeing all those "Hot Guys" hahahaha...jkjk
Going make my way to South Korea Booth ! heheh((:

Seeya ~ & hope to blog any Sooner Again !

Seriously , hope to win Tickets to SS3 ! hahahah ,jk oni ! Cant Wait ! few more months ((:


writtern @7:49 PM

Tuesday !
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hohoho ... had Fun on National Day !!! Didnt went to see the parade nor the fireworks but Went out with "nenek" !!! Whooo , one whole day with her ((:
After that , slept her house before fasting Month Start !!! heh .. tmr Fasting Oready ! cant Wait !!
Nah ~ Cant eat , i dont mind ! I CANT WAIT FOR RAYA ((: Going KL SOON !!!
Yesterday , tried my BAJU RAYA !!! i like both the cutting & colour ! Cant believe i still fit my size ! hahhah , thot my body grow wider ..heheh , WEll i must Say , I LOVE MY BODY !!! hahahaha

Today ! im Going to say Bye Bye to Lappy for one week ! Gonna separate from lappy cos Unnie staying Halmonni House for One Month ! Thats mean , the BED & ROOM IS MINE ALONE !!!! yipee ...(:
Ok... im Going to do my homework !!! Bye bye Bloggy ! I'll miss u ~ Muackkks !

Farewell ... SyahPopo , SyahJunior ((:


writtern @4:50 PM

Sunday Night !
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Well well well ! hahah , Its been a while since i last post ! Booo ~ Now, today Very Boring .. Nothing much I do, just playing Games On FB ,which been a long Time Since I played them ESP "Sority Life" ! hahahha ~

Gahhhhh ~ Tmr National Day !! two Days no Sch ! but for me special a bit , one day oni )): NVM at least i participate in YOG ! I wanna See Fireworks ! Soooo Badly ! Anyone wanna Accompany me ! hahah , joking , gonna ask my Family Go there ...nooo nooo I tink just Teddy Will DO ! Ah , Watch At Television lah ! (: Ahhh , Tmr Morning ! Goin "Nenek Amah " House with my Teddy !! Shes Driving , like Finally !!! ( SHAll Take Photos Later) Gonna Eat At Granny House ! Yummm~

Before i go zzzzz ! To all B2uty & Nias ..Beast & 4minute Coming Friday ,13th Aug @ 2.15pm !!! Whooo` Im sooo Going Straight After School ... Moreover , im nt Wearing Sch UNI on fridays ! Yesh !

Blahhh blahhh ~ Night night Everyone ...tto manayo ((:
* Fasting Month In Less Than Three Days *
~ Happy National Day ~ ( Advanced ~)


writtern @11:29 PM

Racial Harmony Day ((:
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yesterday ... Was Racial Harmony Day! hahah , what did i wore.? Of course my traditional costume(Baju Kurung)
Well , nothing much happened today at school so i'll end here !
hahahhah... A pic taken with Jan & Diva!


writtern @12:46 AM

Saturday Night !!!
Saturday, July 17, 2010

AHhh~ Its Saturday!!! hahahah...
Fisrtly , i'll talk about Arts Fest!!! which took palce on 13 -14 July (for Malay Dance) Wah...i must say i realli enjoyed Performing!!!! heheh((:
WE perform during recess time ,and of course had FUn!!!
then the next day was the "BIG" day!!! I wasnt very nervous & i did REALLI ENJOYED MYSELF!!.. got a few Good feedbacks((:

hahah...the rest of the day, i took my rest!! But August 2 more dance coming up!!!!
1st : Oman Dance for YOG!!!!
2nd : Soran dance Learned at Japan!!!
& guess wat!!! Both performance is duing the fasting MONTh!!!! NO WAYYYY!

ok...Today or shall i said now..having fun with Ain & Eefah!!! Commenting on each other post!! hahahah!!. && chatted with MAT!!!

Ermmm...shall continue with wat im doing((:

* Sungmin Deleted his Twitter* NOOOOO
Till then(:


writtern @9:55 PM

Arts Fest Week
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wah...today perform at the canteen...for three recess!!!
First i was so nervous, but then i was having alot of fun dancing with Izah ,Irah & Hazyra...not to forget ,the drama people who made our performance entertaining!! hahah Thanks(:

Tmr..Is the Big Day for all PA people & UG too!! looking forward to NCC dance!! Waka Waka~ The Best part is tat i will be skipping a lot of lesson tmr!! YESH!
Hope tmr performance will be Awesome!!! i hope they will enjoy & Support Malay Dance. (:

For the past weeks, its been tiring practicing dancing , preparing projects , doing homework ,housework , and EATING!!!
I've lost my appetite lately, dont know why?? hmmmmm~
This week , all this things will end, actually one thing oni.. but who cares..Lets live Life to the Fullest!! (:

Today oso! Its been six days since Super Junior - No Other MV released & it already viewed 1.2 milloin times!!! HOORAY!!!!!
My line for Super Junior " U GUYS ARE ALWAYS A WINNER"
hehhe..im sooo happy for them!

Till here then...need to do homeworks & chores !!!
Take Care everyone(:


writtern @6:01 PM

Arts Fest preparation!
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Boooo~ today , met Izah & hazyra for malay dance prac. It was soo hard to think of dance moves !!! My brain like Exploding ! Anyway.. we downloaded videos & songs but till now, we are not sure wat song to use.. By Monday , nid show our dance to Teacher!! Tuesday , perform to School!! ONO!!! Tmr ... theres still prac @ 11am to 3pm..but irah coming too((:

Till here ..Goodnite~


writtern @10:48 PM